Bromley HELP project
Thursday, 08 July, 2010

The H.E.L.P project (Helping Everyone with Literacy Problems), a unique Bromley based initiative that will help organisations provide more accessible services for those who have difficulties reading and writing, was officially launched today, Wednesday 7 July 2010.
The HELP project has developed a discreet visual aid for clients with literacy difficulties to ask for extra help from service providers. 5000 credit sized plastic cards have been produced from funding obtained from the Safer Bromley Partnership, which will be presented by Bromley users at reception desks, or to front line staff, indicating that they would like discreet help with reading or writing.
This also project supports reception staff by helping to reduce misunderstandings, embarrassing situations and conflict that on occasions require Police assistance. The card aims to reduce time spent recording incorrect information, prevent misunderstanding important instructions and cut out missed appointments.
Cards are being distributed to Bromley residents who have had a disrupted education, have learning difficulties, dyslexia, visual impairment, physical disability or language barriers.
Sergeant David Conyers, head of the Cray Valley West Safer Neighbourhood Team, said: "It is easy to assume that everyone can read and write, this assumption can rapidly result in confusion, withdrawal, confrontation and sometimes even violence. These cards will be useful to those who have had a disrupted education or who have learning difficulties. It will also support reception staff by helping to reduce misunderstandings and conflict".